Monday, December 26, 2011

Vicks VapoRub Instructions

Vicks is a line of over-the-counter medications owned by the American company Procter & Gamble. Vicks manufactures NyQuil and its sister medication, DayQuil. The Vicks brand also produces Formula 44 cough medicines, cough drops, VapoRub, and a number of inhaled breathing treatments. For much of its history, Vicks products were manufactured by the family-owned company Richardson-Vicks, Inc. based in Greensboro, North Carolina. Richardson-Vicks, Inc. was eventually sold to Procter & Gamble in 1985. Japan is the only country, where it is a former Procter & Gamble product, before the product, sold to Taisho Pharmaceutical, in May 2002. In German speaking countries, the brandname Vicks was changed to Wick in order to avoid an otherwise sexual allusion that the original name would pose. In 1890, pharmacist Lunsford Richardson took over the retail drug business of his brother-in-law Dr. Joshua Vick, of Selma, Greensboro, North Carolina. After Dr. Joshua Vick saw an ad for Vick's Seeds, Lunsford Richardson began marketing Vick's Family Remedies. The basic ingredients of the range included castor oil, liniment, 'dead shot' vermifuge. The most popular remedy was Croup and Pneumonia Salve, which was first compounded in 1891, in Greensboro. It was introduced in 1905 with the name Vick's Magic Croup Salve and rebranded as VapoRub in 1912 at the instigation of Smith Richardson, Lunsford's oldest son; Smith had gained valuable sales and marketing experience while working for a period in ...

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

A List of Toe Nail Fungus Home Remedies

!±8± A List of Toe Nail Fungus Home Remedies

If left untreated, toe nail fungi may spread to other parts of the body, as well as lead to other painful complications. One may be experiencing a lot of pain while walking, and in worse cases, surgical removal is needed. In order to avoid this, immediate treatment must be applied. There are a lot of nail fungus home remedies that one can apply in order to treat this. The most effective are the following:

1. Apple and Vinegar - Using water with natural apple cider vinegar and soaking one's toenails on it is one good home remedy. One has to do this everyday at least 15 to 20 minutes a day for positive results to be seen. This might take weeks or even months to see the results.

2. Mouthwash - Another toe nail fungus home remedy is soaking in Listerine mouthwash. Listerine is a great antiseptic that can cure and prevent the growth of the fungi.

3. Oil - Tea tree oil is nature's powerful fungicide that will help contain the fungi. To do this, one has to apply pure tea tree oil to the toe nail that is affected. Also, one has to do this everyday. Other possible combinations with tea tree oil are lavender oil and olive oil. Together these combinations can fight the infection more effectively and prevent skin irritation.

4. Creams - AHA cream, or Alpha Hydroxyl creams one of the toe nail fungus home remedies. This can help remove the scaly skin on one's feet. These scales are more prone to toe nail fungi infection. Also, one has to do this ritual everyday, before bedtime is the most recommended time.

5. Herbs - A lot people have recommended oregano oil as another one of the effective toe nail fungus home remedies. This is mixed with olive oil and must be applied on the affected toenail for a maximum of 3 weeks only. Oregano oil has been proven as an effective, analgesic, fungicide, as well as antibiotic.

6. Epsom Salt Solution - An Epsom salt solution is one good treatment. One has to soak the infected toe/s in the solution everyday.

7. Vicks - Applying Vick vapor rub on the affected area is recommended by a lot people since this alleviates the infection as well as cures it. The same problem is that it will take some time but it really works in a lot of people already.

The common denominator of these home remedies is that one needs to have a lot of patience since these treatments have to be religiously followed every day for a long duration of time. Another possible home remedy is using all natural medication such as Zetaclear which contains all of the above-mentioned key ingredients in curing toe nail fungi.

Whatever toe nail fungus home remedy you might opt to, you must also do preventive measures in order to prevent further damage. This includes wearing more comfortable footwear, avoiding going barefoot in moist public places, and not sharing towels other people. With these as well as a good home remedy practice, the toe nail fungi will be cured in no time.

A List of Toe Nail Fungus Home Remedies

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Friday, December 2, 2011

3 Ways to Use Hydrogen Peroxide As Toenail Fungus Remedy

!±8± 3 Ways to Use Hydrogen Peroxide As Toenail Fungus Remedy

Hydrogen peroxide is more often than not an essential item in first aid boxes but it is also a home toenail fungus remedy. In nature, prostaglandins, lipid groups that are needed in performing bodily functions like fighting infections are produced by stimulation of fatty acids via natural peroxide in vitamin C. Freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables contain natural hydrogen peroxide. Applied as a toenail fungus remedy, the three percent solution that's sold over the counter is used.

Mixing it with vinegar to make peracetic acid, an alternate solution with vinegar and as an antiseptic base for other antifungal solutions, are three techniques of using hydrogen peroxide as toenail fungus remedy. Peracetic acid, a mixture of vinegar and peroxide is a corrosive substance that is used to disinfect tiles and floors. A potent anti fungal solution, the effects on growing nail and skin should be considered since it is a caustic chemical. As an alternate solution with vinegar, it is employed as a soak or applied pure with a dropper on interchanging days. The last technique of peroxide as toenail fungus remedy is applying the antiseptic solution purging as much of the infection as possible then applying a second topical solution such as tea tree oil or other anti fungal cures. It takes at least six weeks to six months of treatment on all techniques.

Success on hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus remedy depends on strictly following treatment schedule and duration of soaks. Treating your nail fungal infection with it is still a gamble, since there are no studies proving it is effective against the fungi.

Treating with hydrogen peroxide toenail fungus remedy is inexpensive, one of its advantages, but the cost of time consumed in soaking and preparing, not to mention the fact that missing a treatment could mean new fungal growth. Instant success is not possible at any treatment but instead of the inconvenient soaks and damaging nail and skin with peracetic acid, try a natural toenail fungus remedy that can cure and not as time consuming. In natural antifungal remedies, undecylenic acid is the active ingredient, a straight chained fatty acid that is clinically confirmed to possess antifungal qualities. Lavender, jojoba and lemongrass oils are essential oils present in this natural cure that contain conditioning and preserving qualities that aids nails in getting back to health. Choose natural and convenience in a bottle, instead of going through the processes that are discouraging and may lead to failure.

3 Ways to Use Hydrogen Peroxide As Toenail Fungus Remedy

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bacteria's Role in Toenail Fungus Remedies

!±8± Bacteria's Role in Toenail Fungus Remedies

Often bacteria are considered harmful to health, but there are good bacteria that keep other micro-organisms in balance inside and outside the body and help in some body functions such as in digestion. These bacteria are called probiotics or "for life". These microorganisms are naturally occurring inside the body. But due to the use of antibiotic drugs or other substances, these cultures are destroyed along side bad bacteria. And when this happens, other organisms like yeasts and other fungi proliferate. This is the reason why probiotics are often used in a toenail fungus remedy, because probiotics eliminate or keep the level of yeasts and other fungi in control. Two popular home toenail fungus remedies that use bacteria as part of the solution are apple cider vinegar and acidophilus beer soak. Both are used as soaks, their difference rests on the kinds of bacteria present in each solution.

Acetobacter are bacteria found in organic apple cider vinegar. These bacteria are the reason why cider vinegar is considered one of the most effective home toenail fungus remedies. They transform the ethyl alcohol produced by the yeast from the first fermentation into acetic acid. Since these bacteria are also responsible in killing the yeast in the vinegar, they can also purge the fungus in nail fungal infection. Acidophilus in the beer soak are acid loving milk bacteria that are naturally present in the body as well as in the genital area. These bacteria regulate the growth of Candida albicans in the intestine and other parts of the body and prevents yeast infections. Both bacteria are present in home toenail fungus remedies in acid based soaks. Advantages of these nail fungal treatments are minimal in costs, most of the ingredients are household staples, and there are no internal side effects. These toenail fungus remedies consume time in the preparation and soaking, missing even one treatment could lead to reinfection and the growing nail's structure weakens over time because of the acid.

There are other treatments without these disadvantages, costs comparably less than antifungal drugs or laser treatments, and are effective. Natural toenail fungus remedies contain the essential oils that are tested for antimicrobial agents, proven to be more effective than clinically made substances and are convenient to use since there are no preparations or soaking for hours. These nail cures take just a few minutes to smear on infected toenail twice a day. Essential oils also contain conditioning agents that keep the growing nails healthy and protects it from infection while purging the fungus. Eliminate nail fungus with the safest, effective and convenient method, use natural toenail fungus remedies.

Bacteria's Role in Toenail Fungus Remedies

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do Toenail Fungus Home Remedies Really Work?

!±8± Do Toenail Fungus Home Remedies Really Work?

Being an ex toenail fungus sufferer for 2 years, I can tell you that I tried them all. The are hundreds of reports of home remedies that are supposed to be a cure to all toenail fungus problems. I tried many home remedies but did not find one that really did anything for me.

Vicks Vapor Rub: Some people suggest applying Vicks vapor rub on the affected toe nails. From my personal experience, I didn't notice any difference in the look and quality of my nail using Vicks when rubbed into the affected toe twice a day for 2 months. Not only did it smell strong but it left my toes feeling greasy which, quite honestly, I did not find appealing. While my condition did not include foot fungus, like so many other people experience with toenail fungus, I would not recommend a regiment of Vicks to anyone suffering with foot fungus in addition to toenail fungus.

Listerine Mouth Wash: Listerine mouth wash is a very powerful wash. Have you tried to hold it in your mouth for about a minute? Can you do it? I certainly can't without burning out my mouth. Now imagine, there are some who recommend it for toenail fungus. The idea is too soak your feet in the solution. But what if your nail hurt? Is this what you really want to do too toes that are diseased? I certainly don't. My toes were sick enough and I didn't want to make it any worst than it already was.

Apply Cider Vinegar: Mix with equal part of warm water and apple cider vinegar. The idea is too soak your feet in the solution daily. 20-30min or longer per day for about 3 weeks. I tried this with no results. I'm not sure why there is a time limit, no longer than 3 weeks is what i was told, but based on another suggestion i tried this without seeing any results after 3 weeks.

Oregano & Olive Oil: Great for dipping bread and eating but i could not see how this would benefit my nasty nails. But I'll try anything once, well almost. As per a suggestion on a popular forum I tried this combination. After a month i gave up and my feet certainly smelt great.

Word of caution. Do be careful who you listen too especially the information you read on the Internet. My main goal was to cure my toenail fungus as fast as possible not too prolong it but trying a bunch useless home remedies that only a very small percentage of people claimed worked.

Stick too a recommended topical that contains natural ingredients for the fastest possible healing results. You goal is not too let your condition get worst but rather, cure it as fast as possible. The longer you wait the nastier this nail rooting disease will get. Its spread like wildfire, take action as soon as possible to treat it before it spreads.

Do Toenail Fungus Home Remedies Really Work?

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Vicks Vapor Rub Can Cure Your Toenail Fungus?

!±8± How Vicks Vapor Rub Can Cure Your Toenail Fungus?

If you use Vicks vapor rub on your infected toes, it will only be a few days until your toenail will begin turning a different color. The new darker color means the vapor rub is destroying the toenail fungus. As the new nail grows you'll cut your nails and in a short amount of time your toenails won't only be healthy, but they will be free of fungus too.

I discovered what the talk about Vicks Vapor Rub was about. The Vicks consists of Thymol and that is the main ingredient that kills your bacterial infect. There's a huge difference between bacteria and fungus.

The bacterial infection will start out looking green around the top of the nail. The discoloration is the first sign of a bacterial infection. The bacteria will grow with the nail and doesn't usually result the nail to segregate from the nail except if it has attacked the spot between the nail plate and the toe.

A few of those identical natural cures, can't be suggested by doctors and others around the medical profession mostly because they haven't passed the proper research required to prove their thoughts of safety.

Money is the main reason for this issue. Drug companies and research companies focus on the compounds and materials that are thought of as having a lot of profit possible.

Minus all this research, the important thing is to then comprehend how some of these natural cures work for your body. A lot of vital circumstance is to attempt to comprehend the possible for cause injury to you. The main question you might consistently request before you start a treatment is, if it does not work will you be any more severe off?

Think about the possible of organ cause injury to versus attempting a home cure like the Vicks vapor rub treatment. If it does not work, you are not going to be injured.

Of all the many home cures accessible for treatment and cure of your toenail fungus, there are extremely not many topical treatments. The medicated eucalyptus around Vicks vapor rub has a fighting effect on your toenail fungus. You're to put on the Vicks vapor run right to the toenail damaged by the fungus, many times every day. This might take many months to see the affirmative conclusions.

There are a lot of persons on the internet who claim Vicks vapor rub has totally cured their toenail fungus, but there are also a lot who have tried it without much success. The issue of toenail fungus is that it is thought of as a chronic issue and curing it isn't easy or quick. A lot of the products along with the prescription drugs all have different success rates which depend on the kind of infection and what home treatment's you've been using.

Using Vicks vapor rub to cure your toenail fungus also has the plus side of being very inexpensive when compared with preparation drugs, and it's safer than taking those drugs as well. Nonetheless, because of Vick's sporatic success rate, it may be a good idea to choose a varied home cure.

How Vicks Vapor Rub Can Cure Your Toenail Fungus?

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