Often bacteria are considered harmful to health, but there are good bacteria that keep other micro-organisms in balance inside and outside the body and help in some body functions such as in digestion. These bacteria are called probiotics or "for life". These microorganisms are naturally occurring inside the body. But due to the use of antibiotic drugs or other substances, these cultures are destroyed along side bad bacteria. And when this happens, other organisms like yeasts and other fungi proliferate. This is the reason why probiotics are often used in a toenail fungus remedy, because probiotics eliminate or keep the level of yeasts and other fungi in control. Two popular home toenail fungus remedies that use bacteria as part of the solution are apple cider vinegar and acidophilus beer soak. Both are used as soaks, their difference rests on the kinds of bacteria present in each solution.
Acetobacter are bacteria found in organic apple cider vinegar. These bacteria are the reason why cider vinegar is considered one of the most effective home toenail fungus remedies. They transform the ethyl alcohol produced by the yeast from the first fermentation into acetic acid. Since these bacteria are also responsible in killing the yeast in the vinegar, they can also purge the fungus in nail fungal infection. Acidophilus in the beer soak are acid loving milk bacteria that are naturally present in the body as well as in the genital area. These bacteria regulate the growth of Candida albicans in the intestine and other parts of the body and prevents yeast infections. Both bacteria are present in home toenail fungus remedies in acid based soaks. Advantages of these nail fungal treatments are minimal in costs, most of the ingredients are household staples, and there are no internal side effects. These toenail fungus remedies consume time in the preparation and soaking, missing even one treatment could lead to reinfection and the growing nail's structure weakens over time because of the acid.
There are other treatments without these disadvantages, costs comparably less than antifungal drugs or laser treatments, and are effective. Natural toenail fungus remedies contain the essential oils that are tested for antimicrobial agents, proven to be more effective than clinically made substances and are convenient to use since there are no preparations or soaking for hours. These nail cures take just a few minutes to smear on infected toenail twice a day. Essential oils also contain conditioning agents that keep the growing nails healthy and protects it from infection while purging the fungus. Eliminate nail fungus with the safest, effective and convenient method, use natural toenail fungus remedies.
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